Join the exclusive South-East IT Tech online community.
Our community
Co-Crea8ion is a curated community and platform crafted by tech leaders and innovators for fellow IT professionals. It provides an environment for sharing ideas, posing technical questions, collaborating on innovative concepts, and building an online tech community for those based in the South-East of England. The forum sections cater to IT developers, operations, infrastructure, and more.
Software development is a fast-paced and constantly evolving field, focusing on creating, managing, and optimising computer systems and applications to meet the needs of users and businesses. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including software development, network management, cybersecurity, data analytics, and cloud computing. This community space is to share, ask community advice or questions, all to help your own development requirements.
IT Operations
IT Operations is the management and maintenance of IT infrastructure within a business. ITOps ensures that IT systems are running efficiently and cost-effectively, providing a foundation for growth. IT Ops also involves the implementation of new technologies, such as cloud computing and software automation, to streamline processes and reduce manual labor. Show-case your organisations efficiencies or request from your Peers ideologies that could benefit your Operations.
Technology infrastructure, is what enables a company to build and run the applications that underpin its business. It includes compute, network, workplace, data platform and edge capabilities. Traditional infrastructure primarily concerns hardware, data centers and cloud based servers that are manually configured, managed and maintained. This community space is for professionals who want to share case studies, Proof-of-Concept ideas, and to ask questions on their own setup to request feedback from the community.
Collaborating with our trusted partners and members, the forum provides links to partner sites for job postings. The forum itself enables partners to spotlight specific opportunities or promote themselves.